6 Ways to Get Involved on Global Handwashing Day
Washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds is one of the best ways to protect yourself and others from getting sick. Studies show healthcare providers practice hand hygiene less than half the time required. Healthcare providers may need to clean their hands as often as 100 times within a 12-hour shift. As we celebrate Global Hand Washing Day, we must reflect on our hand washing habits and share the importance of hand hygiene with others.
What is Global Hand Washing Day?
The Global Hand Washing Partnership founded Global Hand Washing Day. Their mission is to help spread the importance of hand hygiene and encourage proper hand washing techniques with soap and water. The first Global Hand Washing Day was celebrated in 2008 when over 120 million children washed their hands with soap and water in over 70 countries. The 2022 Global Hand Washing Day theme is "Unite for Universal Hand Hygiene." This year's theme calls on all of us to work together as we scale up hand hygiene and reminds us to be united in our vision for universal access and practice of hand hygiene.
The Importance of Hand Washing
When working in an environment, such as an assisted living or long-term care facility, where many people have compromised health, proper hand hygiene is extremely important. According to the CDC, many diseases and conditions are spread by not washing hands with soap and running water. Studies also show that hand washing can prevent about 20% of respiratory infections. By just washing your hands, you do your part to keep yourself and those around you healthier.
How You Can Help:
1. Wash your Hands
The proper hand washing technique is to wash your hands with soap and run water over them for at least 20 seconds. Then, thoroughly dry your hands afterward to prevent germs from spreading. Wet hands can spread germs easier than dry hands.
If a hand washing station is inaccessible, hand sanitizer can replace washing your hands. Apply sanitizer to your hands and rub your hands and fingers together for 20 seconds or until dry. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol are most effective in killing germs.
2. Know When to Wash Your Hands
Washing your hands will help keep you and everyone around you healthy. Make sure always to wash your hands or use hand sanitizer during these events where germs are likely to be present:
Before, during, and after preparing or eating food
Before and after handling invasive medical equipment
After contact with blood, bodily fluids, or contaminated surfaces
Before moving from work on a soiled body site to a clean body site on the same resident
Immediately after glove removal
After touching an animal, animal feed, or animal waste
After touching garbage
After touching your nose, eyes, or mouth
After touching a commonly touched surface (doorknobs, tables, med carts, computers, cabinets, etc.)
3. Spread the Word
Even though it may seem obvious, it's essential to remind those in your community of this simple yet crucial act. In your next staff meeting, remind staff how and when staff should practice healthy hand hygiene. Incorporate a hand washing demonstration into an activity with your residents. Have fun with it and provide different varieties of soap or try your hand at making your soap. Hang posters throughout your building that show the steps to proper hand washing and remind everyone how vital hand hygiene is. The CDC's Life is Better with Clean Hands campaign includes many printable resources for you to use.
4. Stay Fully Stocked
For everyone to wash their hands and practice clean hand hygiene, proper materials must be readily available. Ensure all sinks and hand washing stations are stocked with soap and towels. Have hand sanitizer available in all common areas and entryways. Double-check each resident's bedroom and bathroom to ensure they have everything they need. Regularly check your inventory and reorder any necessary supplies when running low.
5. Get Social
Show friends and family how to keep others safe and healthy by posting your hand hygiene techniques online. Share fun pictures and videos on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, or your preferred platform. Make sure to include hashtags such as #GlobalHandwashingDay or #UniteforUniversalHandHygiene to keep up with the hand washing conversation.
6. Host or Join an Event
Spread awareness of Global Hand Washing Day by incorporating an event on your calendar. For example, plan an event focused on adding more hand washing stations to your building, bringing attention to the state of hand washing in different countries, or educating others on the importance of proper hand washing. The Global Hand Washing Partnership has provided many resources to help plan events. If you're more interested in a virtual event, the Global Hand Washing Partnership has teamed up with the Hand Hygiene for All Initiative to launch the State of the World's Hygiene Report.
Clean hands can help save lives. That is why it is so important, now more than ever, to help spread awareness of proper hand hygiene. Especially in the healthcare environment when you are in direct contact with people of vulnerable health. Celebrate Global Hand Washing Day by sharing tips, implementing new policies, and educating yourself and others. Even minor action helps keep our communities safe and healthy as we work towards universal hand hygiene.
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